What’s the dress code?

Halloween space cowboy disco dance cocktail attire. Kidding, not kidding. No really, wear what makes you feel like dancing and what makes you feel fabulous. No parents, no rules! Jk, jk parents will totally be there but there are still no rules.

Is there a ceremony?

No. We are Marie Kondo-ing the whole nuptials rituals thing and ditching the parts that don’t bring us joy. What brings us joy is eating, drinking, dancing and partying with y’all.

Are kids invited?

While we love our extended chosen family and the cutest army of tiny humans y’all have created, we are unable to make any special arrangements or accommodations for the youths. Venues are 21+ and we will not be censoring or beeping DMX (may he rest in power) when it’s time to Party Up.

How did Sam/Sammi and Jon/DJ meet?

Well, legend has it that they were involved in a brawl over a plate of famous Piece of Meat ribs. The ribs were cooked by the Reverend Dr. Daniel Jackson while Leighann “Mama Hawk” Smith was slanging drinks down at the Royal Street Saloon and Inn. Jon, as it were, had the audacity to steal Sam’s whole entire plate of ribs, which she had stood in a very long line to get, because, yes, they were that good. A bar fight ensued….or maybe it was love. (disclaimer: history is always written by victors, or so they say, and time can often do funny things to a story)

What does Dijkhuizen mean?

Literally translated, Dijkhuizen (a Dutch word) means houses on the levee. Unfortunately here in Louisiana, the Army Corps of Engineers tends to frown on you building structures of any kind on both the river and hurricane levees.